BlockSpark Career Kickstarter

Blockchain Council brings you an eight-week intensive training on Blockchain Development in the Ethereum and Hyperledger ecosystem. This training is designed for beginners in the blockchain domain to gain conceptual knowledge and developmental skills needed to excel in the industry as a professional Blockchain developer. The training is infused with practical development lessons and challenges culminating in an opportunity for you to build and validate your own Blockchain and Hyperledger projects. This impactful learning experience is designed to help you kickstart your career in the world of Blockchain and Web3!    


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8 Weeks

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Batch Start Date

New Batch Starts Every Week

Assessment Type

Project Based


  • LIVE- Discussion & Doubt Session 01 [Day 01, 12 PM IST]
  • Origin of Blockchain Technology
  • Introduction to Blockchain
  • Blockchain Ecosystem
  • Blockchain Mining
  • Transactions UTXO Vs Account Model
  • Consensus Algorithm
  • Blockchain Solutions – Steps and measures
  • Use-Cases of Blockchain
  • LIVE- Discussion & Doubt Session 02 [Day 06, 4 PM IST]
  • Assessment 01
  • LIVE- Discussion & Doubt Session 03 [Day 08, 12 PM IST]
  • Ethereum Overview 
  • Ethereum Tokens 
  • Deep Dive into Solidity 
  • Prerequisites 
  • Getting started with the Smart Contract
  • Testing of Smart Contracts
  • Project 1: Sending Ethers from Parents to Kids 
  • Project 2: Lottery Application Based on Blockchain 
  • Project 3: Basic Smart Contract with Front-end 
  • Project 4: Developing a Crowdfunding project 
  • Project 5: Developing advance Smart Contract using Solidity
  • Project 6: Real-Estate Decentralized Application
  • LIVE- Discussion & Doubt Session 04 [Day 13, 4 PM IST]
  • Assessment 02
  • LIVE- Discussion & Doubt Session 05 [Day 15, 12 PM IST]
  • Introduction to DeFi Technology 
  • DeFi: Use-Cases 
  • Risks and Challenges] 
  • Understanding DAOs 
  • DAO Governance
  • Types of DAO 
  • DAO Tokenomics 
  • Technology Layers for DAO 
  • Understanding the Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) 
  • NFT – Technology Stacks 
  • Operations on NFT 
  • Walkthrough – NFTically Marketplace 
  • NFT: Use-Cases
  • NFT Risks & Challenges 
  • LIVE- Discussion & Doubt Session 06 [Day 20, 4 PM IST]
  • Assessment 03
  • LIVE- Discussion & Doubt Session 07 [Day 22, 12 PM IST]
  • Project 1 – Building NFT Game
  • Project 2 – NFT Marketplace on Polygon with ReactJS 
  • Project 3 – Building NFT Book Store
  • Project 4 – End-To-End NFT Project [Advanced Collectable] 
  • LIVE- Discussion & Doubt Session 08 [Day 27, 4 PM IST]
  • Assessment 04
  • LIVE- Discussion & Doubt Session 09 [Day 29, 12 PM IST]
  • Private/Permissioned Blockchain 
  • Hyperledger – Blockchain Technologies for Business
  • Hyperledger – An Umbrella of Projects 
  • Hyperledger Projects under umbrella 
  • Hyperledger Fabric – detailed overview
  • LIVE- Discussion & Doubt Session 10 [Day 34, 4 PM IST]
  • Assessment 05
  • LIVE- Discussion & Doubt Session 11 [Day 36, 12 PM IST]
  • Operations on Hyperledger Fabric 
  • A project on Supply chain management using Hyperledger Fabric
  • Hyperledger Besu – Setting-up the Prerequisites 
  • A hands-on project on Hyperledger Besu
  • LIVE- Discussion & Doubt Session 12 [Day 41, 4 PM IST}
  • Assessment 06
  • LIVE- Discussion & Doubt Session 13
  • Building a project on Ethereum blockchain 
  • Project Submission 01
  • LIVE- Discussion & Doubt Session 14
  • Building a Self-Sovereign Identity Management with Hyperledger Aries & Indy [LIVE]
  • Submission of the Project 02

Top Job Roles

BlockSpark is an eight-week blockchain development training where one learns about blockchain development from the very basics to advanced level, meanwhile building their own projects on blockchain.
In BlockSpark, you’ll learn the fundamentals of blockchain technology from its genesis to its current state, the functioning of the entire blockchain ecosystem, consensus algorithms, the Ethereum Ecosystem, Smart Contract development, DAOs, NFTs, DeFi, Hyperledger etc. You will also work on hand-On coding projects.
BlockSpark is designed for individuals looking to break into the world of blockchain with a desire to create a long-term career in the same. The training is infused with hands-On development projects that are designed to be taught from the very basic to the advanced level.

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