- Blockchain Council
- November 09, 2022
Apple is working on offering immersive experiences with the help of augmented reality, virtual reality and mixed reality, like crucial innovations. But it’s Apple that we are talking about, and one thing that sticks with the organization’s brand image is consistency and a risk-free ecosystem. With a web3 transformation of the entire global marketplace striking the horizon, how does Apple plan its strategy to face the openness web3 ecosystems offer to the public? Will it participate in a transparent and open-to-all data-sharing platform, or will its concept of a “walled garden” continue as a rival to web3 open source systems? Apple is a brand associated with best-in-class privacy and security regarding data management. The whole business model of an apple ecosystem is built on the idea of a centralized ecosystem with constraints on data sharing with anyone outside the ecosystem. However, the ideology behind the web3 ecosystem differs significantly, affecting the interoperability of devices built on different ecosystems. Industrial experts have distributed opinions as to what Apple Metaverse would look like. A decentralized metaverse that offers an immersive experience, security and interoperability, or it will be a centralized metaverse where Apple controls everything just like the present scenario. Here, we have a complete breakdown of numerous possibilities explained by experts on this debate.
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What’s going on in Apple’s mind?
While we explain various possible outcomes for Apple’s Metaverse, let’s dig out what Apple is planning. According to different reports from surveying and data analytics sources, Apple will enter the immersive experience market with high-end and suitably expensive gadgets like the Meta’s Quest and Quest Pro. Reportedly, different trademark filings connected to Apple suggest a headset allowing users to enter into a Metaverse and use it for every general purpose, from gaming to virtual meetings and events. That’s a simple explanation for something coming from Apple and not being the industry’s breakthrough. If it’s similar to Meta’s product, the additional price (almost 50%) will be a problem for Apple to scale itself in the industry. And if it’s something that thrashes Meta on paper or in experience, it will be a breakthrough for Apple to escalate the business as a mainstream metaverse provider. But, It’s less likely to be the case here, considering the brand’s history of making business by scaling the product.
Accessibility of Apple Metaverse Products
The trademark filing reportedly connected to Apple leads us to the name ‘Reality’ and ‘Reality Pro’. Yes, that’s right! Apple’s door to metaverse will likely be called Reality, and the product lineup will be named similarly to the typical Apple Nomenclature. The affordability is still the question as experts believe Apple to launch the product at a massive $ 3000 as the base product price, which is almost 50% costlier than Meta’s flagship, which comes to around $ 1500. Apple is reportedly working in the direction of Mwetaverse and virtual reality since 2015 when the concept of creating and discovering different realities was getting started. Based on surveys, Bloomberg, a leader in business insights, suggests that Apple will launch its first-ever Augmented reality product in 2023 as an entrance and have grand plans to create different products in the Augmented reality space.
What’s the “Walled Garden” business?
Apple is believed to be a strict follower of the Walled Garden business ideology. It means having high-security policies that ensure user privacy and limit your interoperability. Let’s understand it with examples; one of the most impressive features of Apple’s ecosystem is interoperability. You can share something from your phone to your Mac with just a swipe of your finger. Connecting it with a cable or pairing it with any third-party application is no hassle. It is so seamless that most of the revenue generation for Apple depends on it. Apple does a fabulous job of integrating software and hardware, and that’s what its customers love about it. But, this interoperability comes to half when it comes to sharing things with Android devices, which is a direct competitor and the only alternative to the Apple ecosystem. Even if you wish to share an image with an android device, it simply means a heck of an issue. It becomes a significant issue for the Metaverse ecosystem as interoperability is one of its key features and requirements. Suppose Apple continues with its strategy of restrictions on interoperability. In that case, it will be a significant issue with the metaverse ecosystem as you cannot produce and develop everything for your metaverse as other brands. The amount of resources required for Apple to introduce an alternative to every web3 ecosystem application is enormous, and we don’t have enough time for it.
If Interoperability and Immersive experience is something you are unaware of and wish to learn more in detail. Head to our metaverse Certification, which has explicit content on the functionality and core concepts of the metaverse.
Why is Awareness around the Metaverse Crucial?
Meta and Apple are two of the most prominent businesses that project enormous possibilities, unlike new businesses developing in the web3 space. If two of the essential service providers start working in different directions for a similar technology, there are chances that it might include substantial price differences and control. With Meta’s perspective of a decentralized metaverse without any central authority controlling the functionality of the Metaverse, it will be a massive concern if Apple decides to control its Metaverse and not submit to decentralized architecture. A centralized governing body will be a big difference separating Apple from every other business provider worldwide.
Does it sound friendly to you? Yes, it is the present scenario where Apple decided to be called apart from other prominent players in the market. Even smartphones are managing sales on high-end prices despite having less and outdated technology. For instance, Apple took two years to shift to the most popular innovation of all time, the Notch; yet it didn’t affect sales. Imagine this same scenario happening in web3 ecosystems and metaverse. Apple’s metaverse charges you a large sum despite less on offer, including the affected interoperability of the platform. That’s going to be a big problem, right?
This is why individual awareness of decentralization and metaverse is required, as it helps understand the merits and demerits of development and innovations.
Metaverse is multiplying, and brands invest heavily in research and development. But, understanding how prepared we are to adopt the metaverse and web3 ecosystem is essential. A basic understanding of web3 technologies is a must for us to be aware of market developments, their merits, and their demerits. Apart from that, with the rising technological development, the previous one gets outdated and leads to extinction from the market. Just as the manual workforce became a liability with automation, web2 technologies will soon become extinct. It’s time to upskill with web3 technologies and prepare for this transformation’s opportunities. We have globally accepted web3 certifications to help you understand web3 better and land your dream web3 development job at top global companies.